Thursday, July 22, 2010

Final Project

For my final project, I want to take concepts we talked about in class and turn it into a visual, interactive narrative by making a website on  I want to use pictures that either I'm going to make in Photoshop or am going to find on flickr through creative commons licenses.  I want to talk about how words have been given different meanings over the years (obviously black people don't have black skin) and about how stereotypes are even carried onto the online world, where women are given preferential treatment even though other users have no idea whether the person playing is actually female or not.  I think it's interesting how in cyberspace, things like race, class, gender and sexuality don't have to matter, but we still tend to carry stereotypes from the real world online.  From there, I'm going to see where it takes me, I'd maybe like to talk about separation of church and state and how that's obviously not the case concerning issues like gay marriage.  I'd like your feedback if you have any, but obviously I don't have a really concrete idea of what I'm going to do yet.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the new turn is interesting stuff. The images and the concept of electronic music, interestingly enough, makes me think of Rock Band. The behavioral shifts from online to IRL is covered broadly in a number of publications.

    I'll send you a link to one of my searches via email.

